Do these 10 Photos Prove that a Lost Civilization Predated the Inca?

Oral tradition states that when the Spanish first arrived in the Cusco area of Peru and beheld the megalithic marvels there, they asked the Inca if they had built these super-structures. The Inca’s reply – that they had already been constructed by the time they had arrived.

D Olson

The only tools found in the archaeological record that the Inca possessed to craft stone were bronze chisels and stone hammers. The granite and andesite which the megalithic construction is made of is much harder than bronze. Therefore, how would the Inca have been able to craft these megaliths with such precision? To do so, would be akin to cutting through a tree with a plastic knife. Did the Inca discover the megalithic architecture ages after it had suffered through some sort of prehistoric cataclysm and then build their construction on top of it?

The Inca construction made of rough stone and clay mortar is beautiful and amazing in its own right, and it is what the majority of tourists pay attention to around Peru, but how do we explain the fact that their are two extremely different architectural styles at all of these ancient sites?

Do these 10 Photographs Prove that Megalithic Engineers Predated the Inca Builders?

Machu Pic’chu means “Ancient Mountain.” The shape and style of the ancient megalithic construction there can almost appear to look like something you would see in a futuristic space-age film. Notice the megalithic construction on the left compared to the small rough stone & clay mortar style on the right side in the picture below.

D Olson

Notice below the striking difference between the small rough stone & clay mortar style wall on the right versus the superior megalithic wall on the left at Machu Pic’chu.

D Olson

Notice the two very different forms of construction at the Inti-Punku “Sun Gate” near Cusco that features the much precision megalithic architecture on the bottom and the smaller inferior small rough stone & clay mortar style construction above.

D Olson

Cusco might be one of the very few major cities in the world that display megalithic construction downtown. This picture below clearly displays the megalithic megaton mortarless stonework on the bottom, then the small rough stone & clay mortar style on top of it, with the Spanish construction on the very top.

D Olson

Notice the precision cut megalithic doorway near the Coricancha Museum below with the the small rough stone & clay mortar style surrounding it.

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Tipon is the Inca word meaning “Water Temple.” All I knew about this site upon entering it was that it was solely an Inca agricultural mezzanine, but as I looked closer, I learned there was so much more to it. In this picture you can see this megalithic architecture on the bottom with the small rough stone & clay mortar style above it:

D Olson

Peru’s largest archeological site is “Ollantaytambo” seen in the photo below. If the Inca had crafted the megalithic stonework as conventional archeologists say, then why wouldn’t they have connected these megalithic blocks together instead of filling the gaps in with small rocks?

D Olson

Notice the megalithic trapezoidal door below at Ollantaytambo with the rough stone and clay mortar construction above it that was obviously added later.

D Olson

Lying north of Cusco sits the fortress of Saqsaywaman that is made of andesite walls that consist of interlocking blocks with the largest stones weighing as much as 125 tons. Each foundational stone goes about twelve feet underground, making the walls earthquake-proof. Notice the small rough stone & clay mortar style above compared to the mortarless megalithic stones below.

D Olson

Why are there two distinctly different architectural styles seen at these sites?

Why is the inferior small rough stone & clay mortar style always found on top of and surrounding the larger & stronger precision mortarless style?

Wouldn’t this mean that the inferior style was added at a later date?

If the Inca constructed both styles as the mainstream narrative states, then why wouldn’t they have just created everything out of the stronger & superior mortarless style?